Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 5: Unexpected rest day

A major ingredient of any adventure is the unexpected and there's no question the i2P Expreso De Los Andes expedition is peppered with it. Ray and I have been fortunate enough that during previous expeditions together - on the surface anyhow - no serious issues have arisen. In expeditioning this is typically more the exception than a rule and it seems, in some grand balancing act, our current adventure is making up for this irregularity by dishing out more than a fair share of problems. From Bob's chest infection to my foot and now Ray's sickness, the last few days have proved very challenging indeed.

Ray woke up this morning completely exhausted with his head spinning, his resting heart rate racing and his blood pressure high. Something was clearly up and the prospect of running 70km was not a reasonable option.

"The challenge Ray is facing", states Dr Wells, "is that a moderate amount of exercise - i.e. 6 hours per week - strengthens the immune system but extreme amounts of exercise - i.e. 6 hours per day - weakens it".

There's no question Ray's a different person from the day before and the decision to halt for the day is an easy one. We're here to encourage youth to take on their own running challenges as a means to a healthier way of life so risking our own health to get the point across seems counter intuitive.

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